Welcome to the March 29, 2009 edition of carnival of children's literature. Since it's March, we start off with Irish-themed posts.
Lynn presents St. Patrick's Day books for children posted at Chronicle of an Infant Bibliophile, saying, "This is my first time submitting to a carnival; hopefully I'm doing it right. If not, let me know." These look like fun books to share with your child. Thanks Lynn!
Nymeth presents The King of Ireland's Son by Padraic Colum posted at things mean a lot, saying, "Hi Jenny! This is my first time participating in the Carnival of children's literature. This was the only post I had appropriate to the theme, but it's an older post. If that's not ok just let me know! Thanks for hosting." I love this book and I'm delighted Nymeth chose to share this post! It's wonderful for reading by yourself, or reading aloud to a child.
Here's a wonderful discovery. Candace Ryan presents ReJoyce in Children's Literature: James Joyce's Kid's Book posted at
Book, Booker, Bookest, saying, "A little-known fact about James Joyce, the Irish icon of literary iconoclasm-- he has a kid's book to his credit." I certainly didn't know about this book. It's always fascinating to find a children's book by a writer known for other genres, who writes one for his or her children or grandchildren. Some of my favorite books have come from such writers.
P.L. Frederick shares his artwork Mr. Green Jeans posted at Small and Big, saying, "A bit of humor for you..." This is a funny image of St. Patrick as an ecologically correct green guy. Hope it makes you smile too.
The author and illustrator Elizabeth O. Dulemba presents Coloring Page Tuesday - Leprechaun '09 posted at dulemba.com. How appropriate for St. Patrick's Day, and do see what he has in his pot instead of gold!
Lee Wind presents Good News For Gays and Leprechauns! posted at I'm Here. I'm Queer. What the Hell do I read?, saying, "I thought my vlog on everything "The Gays" and "The Irish" have in common, from my blog on Gay (GLBTQ) Teen Books, Culture and Politics, would be a fun entry to include in the carnival!" Thanks for sharing this very funny vlog with us Lee.
Here's a number of posts themed green, as in nature, science and animals for us to enjoy and learn from. Nancy Muller presents Essential Gardening Books for Kids posted at Recession Depression Therapy, saying, "Inspire your little ones, while they gain science, reading, math, and life skills. If you are trying to work green into a theme, it doesn't get any greener." Yes, and kids love to be outside, so teaching them to garden is great!
Tasha Saecker shares Kids Lit - Earth Day posted at Kids Lit. This book looks like a good way to explain Earth Day to your child.
All the way from Australia, Susan Stephenson, shares A Talent for Quiet posted at The Book Chook, saying, "Wonderful new book from a talented writer and artist!" This book looks full of gorgeous images of nature along with a sweet story of the developing relationship between a stepfather and child.
I'm delighted that Pam Coughlan chose to share with us The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau posted at MotherReader, saying, "I'm sorry, but I guess I wasn't in an Irish mood this month. I do love this nonfiction picture book that I reviewed and would appreciate the chance to get more people to know about it." I actually got to see some of the original artwork for the book at Fuse #8's January Children's Literary Cafe, and it was fabulous. Do go read this review, then look at the book in your local library or bookstore!
How appropriate to share a book about Charles Darwin to celebrate nature! Charlotte presents What Darwin Saw: the Journey that Changed the World posted at Charlotte's Library.
From Virginia, Tricia Stohr-Hunt presents Best Science Books of 2009 - Other Worthy Titles posted at The Miss Rumphius Effect, saying, "Well, it's not green, but there are green books in it. This is my "best science books of 2009" list. I tried to fill in the gaps that I thought the NSTA list missed." This is a fascinating list, and definitely appropriate for this carnival.
Becky Laney shares Duck! Rabbit! posted at Young Readers. The hysterical book trailer shown here is not to be missed.
Kate Coombs presents Three Bird Books for Spring posted at Book Aunt. These books look wonderful and I'm particularly delighted to find older as well as new books.
Melissa Wiley shares with us a book about a girl who loves nature and finds solace in it from a heart-breaking life, Only Opal: The Diary of a Young Girl at Here in the Bonny Glen.
Gregory K. informs us about his fabulous poetry project, Announcing 30 Poets/30 Days! posted at GottaBook, saying, "It's not green, so I hadn't subbed anything. But there will be earth day/spring related poems, so that's close. Plus I'm just so excited!" I'm excited too. Anything that promotes poetry is wonderful. Plus, so much poetry is full of nature and green imagery!
Hoorah for promoting reading aloud! Jen Robinson informs us about Public Information Campaign for Read-Aloud: Follow-up posted at Jen Robinson's Book Page.
Tracey shares Favorite Five Board Books posted at Girls to Grow. I made mental notes as I read this post. I never know what to give new mothers. Board books are mysterious to me and any recommendations are deeply appreciated.
Juliet Lane shares her experience watching Horton Hears A Who! posted at Bring Me Some Popcorn. Now I have to go rent a video of this movie. This sounds much better than I had expected.
Nicole B. presents The Wednesday Witch, by Ruth Chew posted at Linus's Blanket. I still have all my Ruth Chews, including this book and I agree, it's a fun book. Why are her books out-of-print? Thanks for sharing this one with us, Nicole.
Sarah shares Chapter Book Fun posted at In Need Of Chocolate. I love this piece about reading aloud to children, and some of the books she mentions were my childhood favorites.
Anastasia Suen presents 5 Great Books About Superheroes posted at 5 Great Books, saying, "Dress up is extra fun when you pretend you are a superhero!" I grew up on comics and I remember playing pretend superheroes. These look like fun books!
Stick 'em up! Sonja Cole enthuses about Books About Heists posted at Bookwink. Sonja's love for these books comes through her vlog presentation. Enjoy listening.
I love lists of books that I can go dig out and read. Susan Taylor Brown shares her lists of Memorable Mothers and Fathers in Children's Literature at Susan Writes. I'll have to think of other books for her to add to the list. Anyone want to send her recommendations too?
Here's a fun-sounding YA book about characters from plays who have their own lives. Becky Laney dishes the scoop about Eyes Like Stars posted at Becky's Book Reviews. I can't wait until July to read it!
Off to Africa, for another YA book that sounds fascinating and heart-breaking. Terry Doherty presents Burn My Heart posted at Scrub-a-Dub-Tub, saying, "It's not green...but the Irish will completely understand the idea of not being able to control their own destiny!
Oh, I wish I could have met and heard these YA authors that Crissa-Jean Chappell reports on at the NYC Teen Author Festival posted at total constant order.
Here's a fun interview with Alice Pope, editor of Children's Writer's and Illustrator's Market generously shared by Tina Nichols Coury at Tales from the Rushmore Kid.
Lynn Hazen describes a wonderful class, Beyond Websites: Facebook, Blogs & Twitter, Oh My! that she and Susan Taylor Brown just taught to children's book authors, bloggers and librarians who want to promote themselves on Web 2.0. It's full of great links and information. Do not miss their Social Media Adventure Map! Lynn's blog is The Imaginary Blog.
Eva Mitnick shares a fabulous post about the sense of wonder that children can experience through books Summoned by Sayers posted at Book Addiction.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
Carnival of Children's Literature
using the carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on the
blog carnival index page.
The May Carnival's host is Tarie at Into the Wardrobe and the deadline is May 31st.
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carnival of children's literature, blog carnival.