Welcome everyone! The Amazing Carnival of Children's Literature is back!! People shared their favorite posts of the past month or so, many with winter themes, some not. All are worth reading or listening to.
Here's a selection of fun reviews of children's books, some of which I've read, and quite a few I haven't read. Another pile of books for my room full of to-be-read books, groan...
Annette Berlin presents a book review of a children's cook book at her blog, Craft Stew. She says, "I drool over the children’s books from DK publishing. I’m crazy about their full color photographs, clear text and interesting topics. Cook It Together, a new DK cookbook for kids, did not disappoint."
Soup of the evening, beautiful soup, who doesn't love soup especially on a cold winter's night? Jama Rattigan presents sip slurp slurp: more soup picture books at her blog, jama rattigan's alphabet soup. Mmmm. Those yummy-sounding books make me want to cook a good pot of soup tomorrow evening.
Playing by the Book shares a delightful blog post, Winter Starlight, about wintry children's books and some recipes I really want to cook up soon.
Kathy Bloomfield shares some reviews of children's books that echo this theme, Bal Tashchit: Do Not Be Wasteful at her blog forwordsbooks: kids books that matter, saying, "This is a blog connecting secular children's literature to the Jewish value of Bal Tashchit-do not be wasteful in honor of the holiday of Tu B'Shevat, the birthday of the trees, being celebrated on January 30." Very timely and these are lovely books.
Groundhog Day is coming up and Esme Raji Codell reviews a fun list of children's books about groundhogs, GROUNDHOG WEATHER SCHOOL at her amazing blog, The PlanetEsme Plan: The Best New Children's Books from Esme's Shelf, saying these are "Groundhog Day books that won't give readers déja-vu."
Jennifer Bogart of Quiverfull Family shares a review of a wintry book, Tooga: The Story of a Polar Bear, saying this is "A fictional story of one young polar bear's explorations in northern Canada."
Jeff Barger shares a fun nonfiction title, Secret of the Puking Penguins...and More! posted at his blog, NC Teacher Stuff, saying, "Nothing says winter wonderland better than puking penguins. This book has the perfect title to attract elementary and middle school nonfiction fans. Each article is a great example of how researchers apply the scientific method in their studies."
Becky Laney has a tantalizing review of a picture book, Where Teddy Bears Come From, at her blog, Young Readers. Mmmm, look at that cover!
Anastasia Suen shares her lovely book, Baby Born, which is also available in Spanish, at her blog, Anastasia Suen's Book of the Week, saying, "New toddler time activity for Baby Born."
Anastasia also shares some lovely books in her post, 5 Great Books About Winter at another of her blogs, 5 Great Books, saying, "Some fun winter books for children learning to read."
Mary Ann Scheuer introduces us to what sounds like a delightful book, Rain Stomper, at her blog, Great Kid Books, saying, "Endless days of rain can dampen everyone's spirits. If you need cheering up, check out Rain Stomper, a book full of energy and optimism as one girl shows us that the parade will go on, rain or shine!"
Kate Coombs at her blog Book Aunt, has a special treat just for meee. Okay, okay, I'll share. It's a wonderful blog post talking about the various translations of Hans Christian Andersen's Snow Queen and four recent picture book editions. The covers are beautiful and the post is so thoughtful and insightful about the problems and issues of translation. Thank you, Kate!
Tim King presents Book Review: The Ruby Key by Holly Lisle posted at his blog: Be The Story, saying, "The Little One and I recently finished Holly Lisle's fantasy novel The Ruby Key, and here are our comments on the novel."
Janelle reports on a musical based on The Little House on the Prairie and reading aloud the series and related books to her daughter, Little House on the Prairie - Musical and Books. She even shares photos of the pancake men she made for her daughter! Look for more delightful posts at her blog, Brimful Curiosities.
Kevin Hodgson has a brief review of Scott Westerfeld's new book: The alternative history of Leviathan posted at his blog Kevin's Meandering Mind, saying, "I look at the book Leviathan and its use of alternative history. Plus, the book is a great read-aloud story for middle school kids." He also shares the book's trailer. Looks cool!
Terry Doherty shares two lovely middle grade books with dragon themes in her blog post, Book Talk: Dragon Wishes by Stacy Nyikos and The Last Dragon by C.A. Rainfield, at Scrub-a-Dub-Tub, saying, "Here is my contribution for the carnival. It isn't winter wonderland, but given that we will have a winter wonderland of snow here on the east coast, it's a perfect day for staying in to read!"
Tricia Stohr-Hunt shares some fun books at National Puzzle Month - Great Reads at her blog, The Miss Rumphius Effect, saying, "January is national puzzle month, so I wrote this post about books for those who love puzzles." I didn't know about National Puzzle Month and I love puzzles. I learn something new every minute, sometimes.
Abby reviews two audiobooks Audiobook Effects: Good and Bad at her blog, Abby (the) Librarian. It's very interesting how much difference added sounds such as music can make in the listener's experience.
Jen Robinson reviews a winter-themed YA book that contains three stories by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Scott Westerfeld, Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances posted at her blog, Jen Robinson's Book Page, saying, "I couldn't resist submitting it, because it fits so well with the Winter Wonderland theme."
I'm always envious when I hear about authors visiting with children in schools or libraries. I went to school before this started happening, and I would have loved any encounter with an author!
The YA author Crissa-Jean Chappell shares an account of Scott Westerfeld, Alex Flinn, and Crissa herself, speaking to teen readers during various events during Teen Read Week posted at her blog, total constant order. Oh for a photo of the teens who wore top hats, waistcoats and pocket watches to Westerfeld's talk!
Another great development is the succession of wonderful interviews with authors, illustrators and publishers that you can find around the Kidlitosphere.
Melissa Wiley shares a wonderful Interview with Julianna Baggott where Juliana talks about her writing process and her latest books at Here in the Bonny Glen.
Crissa-Jean Chappell shares a video interview with herself about her writing process by Kathy Erskine, another teen author at five questions
Lee Wind shares three wonderful interviews, saying, "I'm in with three wonderful pre-SCBWI Winter conference interviews with the fantastic author Jacqueline Woodson, the fantabulous art director Laurent Linn, and the fascinating literary manager/producer Eddie Gamarra - they shared so much great stuff, even including their votes in the hot chocolate vs. eggnog winter drink showdown!" Do look for more great stuff on his blog, I'm Here. I'm Queer. What the Hell Do I Read?
Tarie over in the Philippines shares a fascinating Illustrator Interview: Ariel Pang which is loaded with wonderful images of Ariel's illustrations. Note to self, keep an eye out for her books, and an eye on Tarie's new blog, Asia in the Heart, World on the Mind.
The author and blogger Lori Calabrese shares an interview with the children's book author, Deborah Blumenthal about her latest book, Black Diamond & Blake, at her blog, Lori Calabrese Writes!
Sally Apokedak, at Whispers of Dawn, shares an interview with Shannon and Dean Hale, authors of the recently released graphic novel, Calamity Jack, and with Nathan Hale, who illustrated the book. I'm still waiting for my copy of this book to come in the mail and this interview makes me so impatient!! I adored Rapunzel's Revenge, and indeed all of Shannon's books.
Jon Bard has good advice for aspiring children's book writers: Five Reasons Why You Can’t Be A Writer (And Why None Of Them Are True) posted at his very useful website, the Children's Writing Web Journal.
Franki and Mary Lee share a wonderful round-up of tributes to the stupendous first Ambassador of Children's Literature, the one and only Jon Scieszka at THANK YOU, JON SCIESZKA! posted at A Year of Reading, saying, "The most exciting thing that happened on our blog in January was the Thank You Party we hosted for out-going Children's Literature Ambassador Jon Scieszka." This is a whole carnival in itself! Enjoy.
Heidi Estrin shares a fun podcast, The Big Reveal: 2010 Sydney Taylor Book Awards posted at her blog, The Book of Life, saying, "this is the blog post/podcast episode announcing the 2010 Sydney Taylor Book Award winners, which always takes place in January, so that's my excuse for calling it a winter wonderland event." Do enjoy listening!
Sounds like Lynn E. Hazen had a great time at the 2010 Santa Clara County Reading Conference at Asilomar from her report on her blog, complete with pictures, at her Imaginary Blog, saying, "California Style Winter Wonderland of Books, Teachers, Librarians & Authors Passionate About Books and Writing for Children & Young Adults."
Sheila Ruth of Wands and Worlds asks an interesting question of all of us in Marian, Madame Librarian.
Plus poets and illustrators share their works with their admirers all over the 'net:
The illustrator and author Elizabeth O. Dulemba shares a great story at Operation Write Home at her blog, dulemba.com, saying, "This one isn't so much about reading as it is about writing. It's a very cool thing." I agree, and it gives me the warm fuzzies too!
Elizabeth also shared another post on the newest tech toy, Apple's iPad. She and other illustrators are already dreaming up picture books for the iPad!
Deborah Freedman shares a wonderful poem about snow along with one of her beautiful illustrations of a snowy scene at Time for Bed on her blog, writes with pictures.
Here's another snowy poem from Gregory K., The End of a Perfect Day in the Snow at his blog, GottaBook, saying, "Boy, I didn't post much Carnival-worthy in January, but at least this fits the Winter Wonderland theme!" Personally I think his blog is always worth reading!
Wendie Old of Wendie's Wanderings shares a delightful poem about writing at What are you writing? they ask. She also shares a link to a video about revision by a friend of hers, How many times did you revise that manuscript? Enjoy!
Candace Ryan shares a very funny poem about the spelling of our esteemed first Ambassador of Children's Literature, Jon Scieszka's last name that had me laughing out loud at Book, Booker, Bookest.
Carmela Martino shares her New Year's Resolution and celebrates a friend's big award at Resolution Wrap-Up and Hurray for New Year at the Pier, Sydney Taylor Book Award Winner at the group blog, Teaching Authors, saying, "A wrap-up of our series of 6-word resolutions."
Here are some posts on the importance of literacy and reading to children:
South Africa's Fiona Ingram has great advice for parents on Why Children Don't Enjoy Reading. Go read her post and try out her recommendations on your children or children of friends. She has more advice from herself and her friends for authors at her blog, Word Magic: Articles & Tips for Authors.
Susan Stephenson celebrates reading aloud in What's So Great About Children's Literature? at her Australian blog, The Book Chook, saying, "Jenny, it's summer where I live, so my post answers the question a friend asked me the other day,"What's so great about children's literature anyway?""
Jen Robinson shares her advice on Read yourself, and model an appreciation for reading at the wonderful group blog: Booklights.
Cathy Puett Miller shares a blog post on reading aloud, Playing with Sounds and Patterns/Engaged Interactive Read Alouds at Parents and Kids Reading Together, saying, "reading can be practical, engaging and fun."
Autumn Beck shares advice on reading aloud: Are You Reading to Your Children? posted at Homeschooling In Kerrville, saying, "It seems that everyone will agree with you that reading to your children is important. But how many are actually incorporating it into their homeschool schedule?"
Susan Kusel has a great idea, Write it down, at the stupendous Booklights group blog, saying, "Do you keep a record of what your kids read? How about what you read? Give it a try. Write it down."
Reading challenges are everywhere but this is a really special one:
I'm unsurprised to find that Terry Doherty has joined this reading challenge, People of Color Reading Challenge is Important. It really is important and if I didn't have a major research project with piles of books to read swamping me, I'd join her! I'll keep an eye on her blog, Scrub-a-Dub-Tub, for her reports on her reading. As she reminds us "reading is a perfect thing to do on a cold winter's day!"
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
Carnival of Children's Literature using our carnival submission form. The February carnival will be at: Whispers of Dawn.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags:
carnival of children's literature, blog carnival.
Thanks for putting this together, Jenny. I know it's hard work, but it looks great and is fab kickoff to for the Carnival's return.
Thanks for hosting, Jenny! I get to catch up with some old friends now, and discover some new ones.
This is a terrific roundup! Thanks for all of your hard work.
Wow! What a fabulous carnival. Thanks for hosting and the beautiful presentation!!
Congrats, Jenny! This looks great!
Yes - WONDERFUL work Jenny! Thanks so much for hosting the kick off. Now, go eat chocolate. You deserve it!
Thanks for this. I am halfway through the list. I'll finish them tonight. A lot of wonderful post here and I've found some great new blogs I wasn't aware of.
I am so glad the carnival is back! Thank you, Jenny!
Wow, lot's of great things happening this month. Thanks so much for the terrific round-up.
What a great list of posts to read. Very enticing Carnival of Children's Literature. Thanks, Jenny.
Thanks, Jenny! This is great stuff. I've already found a couple of links on reading and literacy that I missed, that I'll want to talk about at Booklights.
What a brilliant carnival! I had hoped to contribute but life took over this week. This is what I would have contributed:
http://www.playingbythebook.net/2010/01/29/winter-starlight/ or http://www.playingbythebook.net/2010/01/18/polar-play/ - both about picture books with a wintry theme.
Nice job! Thanks for all your hard work, Jenny!
Thanks for the great carnival, Jenny! I am sad that I didn't get my act together to be part of it, but it sure was fun to read!
Exciting to see the carnival back in action! Thanks for hosting, it looks great.
Tooga is actually fiction though as my note states :).
Take care!
Thank you for putting this all together, Jenny. You are a blessing! I will not be able to get to all the blogs on the list until Monday, but I have read through the list and it all looks wonderful. I wanted to wish you a restful weekend and express my gratitude for your starting the year off with excellence. I hope I can do as a good a job as you did when it is my turn to host the Carnival in April.
Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments! I just edited a couple of things, and put in Playing by the Book's post and Candace Ryan's post.
I don't think I'll do more editing unless someone catches a major error though. Happy reading to everyone!
So many interesting posts. Looking forward to checking them all out. Thanks for rounding them all up.
Great Carnival Jenny!! I've found some posts I missed and a few new blogs for me. Now I am looking forward to catching up. Thanks!
Thanks, Jenny for doing all this! Like you, I went to school before author visits were in vogue. Wouldn't it be fun to list the authors you wish you'd met as a kid?
PS - I guess the form worked after all ... I forgot I changed posts.
Terry (who is having a devil of a time getting her blogger comments to post)
Beautifully presented carnival and great-looking content! Can't wait to start clicking on these links! Thanks for doing this, Jenny.
Nicely done; thanks so much!
Thanks for the great round-up. So many new blogs to discover. Meanwhile, I continue building my tower of books-to-read as it threatens to topple.
Yay! It's exciting that the carnival is back! Thanks for kicking it off--there are sooo many fascinating links here--can't wait to check them out!
Yay, the carnival is back! Thanks for doing such a great job with it!
So fun!
yey..your site is so great
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